

Read & Apply

  • This job is for people that:

    • have proven experience in picking and harvesting bunching vegetables.  MUST HAVE experience on a bunching vegetable commercial farm.
    • want to earn more money per bunch
    • can pick fast whilst maintaining quality
    • want a long-term, all-year-round job
    • have own accommodation & transport (we do not have either) - find accomm now!)

    Not suitable for people who have never professionally picked bunching vegetables before and who want short-term work for a few weeks or a few months.

  • Type of work

    Picking/bunching herbs and leafy green vegetables:


    Occasionally, some general farm hand duties (paid hourly casual award rate).

  • Bunch rates & Pay rates

    • SHALLOTS:  $0.333 per bunch
    • SPINACH:  $0.351 per large bunch
    • HERBS:  $0.333 per large bunch

    A complete list of pay rates is available upon application.

    Note:  we have harvest staff that have been working piece-rate in this job for over 20 years and can earn three times the award rate.  Where warranted, training will be provided to help you achieve this level. 

    Pieceworkers have a minimum wage guarantee. This means that pieceworkers have to be paid the higher amount of either:

    • what they earned for their day’s work under the piece rate; or
    • what they would have earned for the day based on their hourly rate, that is, their minimum hourly rate (including any casual loading) under the Horticulture Award multiplied by the number of hours they worked that day.
  • What we do for you!

    We employ mostly long-term people.  Some staff have been with our company for over 20 years!   We do our best to ensure everyone has the ability to succeed!  In return, we ask that everyone follows all workplace health & safety regulations, the food safety rules and is respectful to each other.

    Our new lunchroom facility provides air-conditioned comfort, microwave, kettle and a great place for a well-earned rest.

    Most staff wear their Bare Essentials uniform shirt, which is not mandatory.  They are available for purchase from the office.

    On occasions, we hold social events and meetings that help to create a sense of belonging and family amongst our team.

    We have an agricultural career advisor and trainer on-site.  If you wish to start a career in ag - we are happy to help and work with you on achieving your goals!

  • Payment terms

    • Employed under the Horticultural Award 2020.
    • Starting at a Level 1 classification of $28.26 per hour, minimum wage guarantee.
    • You are paid a 'Piece rate'.  (You are paid for each bunch picked)
    • You may be paid hourly award casual rate for other farmhand work as it arises.
    • One-month trial period.

  • Superannuation & taxation

    Superannuation is currently 10.5% of your gross monthly wages, applicable once the threshold of $450 before tax has been reached.  Note that these rules may vary for people under the age of 18.

    Taxation will be paid to the Australian Taxation Office.

  • Hours

    • Approximately 5 days per week, Monday to Saturday (days optional)
    • Some Saturday work on occasions (optional)
    • Usually starts just after sunrise - between 5am and 8am.
    • Start times may be later if there has been rain overnight
    • You will receive a message every evening to confirm the following day's work plan and start time.

  • Location

    9 Morton Vale School Road, Morton Vale Qld 4343
    8km’s from Gatton township

  • Skill & input required

    • Good dexterity / fine motor skills
    • Be able to work with a combination of speed and quality
    • Handle produce in a way that does not damage and bruise product
    • Follow all policies and procedures (food safety, COVID, OHS, IR, etc)
    • Must message in Asana (app) if not able to come to work

  • Daily workplan

    The owner of the business (Brendan) will message each worker every day through Asana (App) to advise of the following day’s work. Work generally starts around 6 to 7.30am, but can change due to unforeseen circumstances. If you are not coming to work that day, you are required to message back and advise Brendan.

    To be able to receive the daily messages, you will be sent a link to an app called ‘Asana”.

    Once you download this app to your mobile phone, you will receive the daily workplan on your mobile device. Every morning before work starts, Brendan may hold a Tool Box Meeting to discuss the daily work schedule, along with any OHS, Food Safety, COVID or Industrial Relations issues. Some issues may be broadcast through the Asana App.

  • What to bring everyday

    Smile, large water bottle, morning tea and lunch

    Note: an airconditioned lunch room is available for your breaks. There is a fridge, kettle and microwave available for you to use.

  • What to wear

    Wear closed-in footwear on the property and comfortable, clean clothing that is breathable and suitable for bending over and sitting in dirt.  Fulltime current pickers wear long elastic-waisted pants, a cool long sleeve shirt and hat.

    Uniform shirts are available at cost from the farm office.